
4 easy and effective ways to improve your Haemoglobin

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Do you wake up lazy, can’t wait to rest in the afternoon and yet struggle to sleep at night? This could indicate low hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin is a protein found in the Red Blood Cells (RBCs) which is responsible for transportation of oxygen throughout the body. Low levels of hemoglobin can cause fatigue, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, momentary black outs, frequent unexplained bruising, irregular heartbeat, headache, cold hands, cold feet, pale / yellow skin and chest pain. Hemoglobin deficiency, also known as anemia can occur due to various medical conditions or simply improper diet and lifestyle. While medical conditions require professional help, there are some things we can do to improve our hemoglobin levels when there is no illness associated. Let’s dive deep into 4 easy and effective ways to improve your hemoglobin.

  • Increase Iron Rich food

Hemoglobin is an iron ion (heme) attached to the protein called globin. So, intake of iron rich foods like all varieties of green beans (French, String, Snap, Long, flat, etc.), peas or peanuts, red meat, poultry, seafood, red rice, dried fruits (dates, figs, black raisins and apricots) green leafy vegetables (especially spinach and kale), broccoli and soyabeans aid in production of RBC as well as hemoglobin. Manoll is an ayurvedic hemoglobin syrup as it contains calcine iron in the form of mandoor bhasma.

  • Increase Iron Absorption

Just intake of iron rich food / supplements does not guarantee better hemoglobin levels or to lower down the hemoglobin deficiency, the key to it is absorption of the iron. While a good digestive health is extremely important for absorption of iron, there are specific vitamins that play a vital role in iron absorption. These are folate / folic acid (Vitamin B9) and Vitamin A. Some food sources of folate include spinach, rice (red and brown), peanuts, chickpeas, black eyed peas, beef, kidney beans, lettuce, cabbage and seasonal fruits. Vitamin A naturally occurs in sweet potatoes, liver, cod liver oil and fish. Beta-carotene which also serves as source of vitamin A to the body is found in yellow or orange coloured fruits / vegetables like mango, papaya, pumpkin, apricots, carrots and peppers. Manoll syrup contains naturals herbs like amla, beetroot, carrot and licorice which not only aid regular digestion but also contain essential micronutrients like folate and beta-carotene thus making it hemoglobin blood tonic.

  • Restrict these to increase iron absorption

Certain activities or foods are known effect the absorption of iron thus rendering the intake useless or less effective. These activities are smoking, excessive exercise and frequent blood donation. Foods that need to be avoided include tea, coffee, corn, chocolate and parsley.

  • Iron Supplements

Just like food these would mean more intake of iron. These are more readily absorbed and provide greater nutritional value as compared to iron rich foods, but sometimes are known to cause side effects like constipation, nausea or vomiting. Excessive iron intake may cause overload of iron in body which could result into liver disease. On the other hand, Manoll syrup which contains essential ayurvedic herbs like amla, guduchi, yashtimadhu, ashwagandha, honey amongst others, works as a balanced hemoglobin syrup without any side effects like constipation, nausea or vomiting. Manoll syrup has anti-oxidative properties and helps build immunity as it contains natural source of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Hope this article answers all your questions from how to decrease your hemoglobin deficiency naturally with food to relying on a good hemoglobin blood tonic. Remember blood is the fuel that runs this body and hemoglobin is its essence, so keeping its level optimum is first step to being healthy.

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